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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 19, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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>> kayleigh: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." that's all the time we have left for tonight. remember, you can catch me week days at noon on "outnumbered" here on the fox news channel. we have a big day tomorrow. at noon tomorrow in greenville, south carolina, nikki haley is set to give a speech on the state of the presidential race. that will be interesting. watch "outnumbered" tomorrow at noon. "gutfeld" is next. have a great night. ♪
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>> greg: you kids! you kids! [cheers & applause] oh, stop it. stop it! happy president's day, everyone. [cheers & applause] i know. today we honor all of those that have held the nation's highest office. well, unless you don't like them, then you destroy them. judge arthur engoron just happeneded down a $350 first of its kind settlement against donald trump after finding that trump inflated the value of his real estate when applying for loans. the judge released his opinion six days before the trial began. which makes it a show trial. except instead of judge judy, we get someone no one wants to have sex with. [laughter] now, the fact that no one was complaining about trump's
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activities including banks that gave trump the money seemed to have no impact on engoron who during the trial did more mugging for the cameras than a times square migrant. and of course, $355 million seems excessive when the amount owed to the banks is zero. that is key. if you can't identify a victim, then the crime had to be reverse engineered. because if the crime was organic, a victim would have started the process. instead they found the man and came up with the crime. does that sound familiar? that's my uncle steve. anyway, this proud legal beagle whose drooling grin has that look of the forcibly medicated was also unbothered that new york's a.g., letitia james took office vowing to get donald trump. that's her quote. after all, there's a shortage of
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real victims in her state since they have all been stabbed. but it shows how far the left is willing to go to destroy anyone that they deem a threat. so how bad is this case besides sacrificing faith in the legal system to go after political enemies? here's esteemed attorney jonathan turley. he said the only way to be rid of temptation is to yield to it. he ordered everything short of throwing trump in to a wood chipper. oscar wild, somebody's fancy. here's kevin o'leary that knows more about real estate than i know about being gorgeous. >> if you're a developer, you're a entrepreneur, you go to a bank and you say look, i want to borrow $200 million to build a building. what assets do you have to secure this loan against. you point to a building you built before. you haggle and you argue about the value of that building. this goes on in every city on
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earth. that's what happened here. >> greg: you get that? if trump is guilty of this, so is every real estate developer. the bank loaned the money to trump and he paid it all back. what is next? getting the death penalty for tipping with kohl's cash? [laughter] but this is what tish james wastes her time with. she should be fined for impersonating law enforcement. new york state is still struggling from the effects of covid and won't recover the lost jobs for years. tourism is down. the state leads the nation in population loss. even my pool boys have moved to miami. [laughter] i'll have to remember them by is a jar of their fingers.
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too far? or not far enough? so why not bring a bogus lawsuit that will scare off the real estate sector? as o'leary point out, nobody would go here for this. they're going to go elsewhere. they are. i haven't seen this many people running against way since joy behar got stranded on the beach and they blew her up with dynamite. they didn't just screw trump. they screwed the city like i did in the summer of 98. shout out to carroll and janet. and steve. [laughter] but not to fear, governor botox is here. kathy hochul assures the business community that everything is fine. law abiding and rule following new yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry
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about because they're very different than donald trump and his behavior. translation, you have nothing to worry about until we don't like you. meanwhile, trump is being trump over the weekend. he debuted a pair of golden sneakers called "never surrender high tops", which sell for $400 a pair. might be the first pair of sneakers north of $300 that nobody gets shot for. now the left will laugh at this, of course. but the shoes limited to 1,000 pairs sold out in two hours, which tells you a lot about the depth of support that stooges like tish james and engoron are rallying to donald trump. as o'leary said, it's not about trump himself. it's about the case that nobody can find a precedent for. at heart, americans are fair-minded people that want to believe in our system. the system only as good as the people in charge of administering it. james said she was going after
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trump and engoron brazenly admitted that he can overrule juries when they get it wrong, which doubting his impartiality. so when people tell you who they are, maybe believe them. there's a pattern emerging. it started with surveillance. if you have nothing to worry about, why worry if we spy? well then they spied on you. then there's freedom of speech. you have nothing to worry about. it's hate speech. hate speech became disinformation or anything you said that they didn't like. now it's your ability to make a living. you have nothing to worry about as long as you toe the line and don't question their power. you can see the pattern. as long as you obey, we won't invade your privacy or ban your speech or take your job. what keeps you safe for now? be a democrat. remain quiet about what the dems have done to the country. above all, don't work at fox. you know which means that it doesn't look to good for me. seriously, how soon before it get arrested for indecent
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exposure and this time i'm innocent? [applause] let's welcome tonight's guests. his political commentary gives lefties dysentery. fox news contributor and opinion editor, charlie hurt. she knows finance like i know hot pants. financial analyst, heather zimmeraga. viewers call his new show must-flee tv. host of fox news saturday night, jimmy failla. her super powing is invisibility by turning sideways. fox news contributor, kat timpf. charlie, the people that are applauding say oh, it's in the billions. it's like this is such a fraud. but that's irrelevant. this is about tract negotiations
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and what meme do when they argue for a salary. you always go for what you can't get. >> yeah, no, it's truly amazing. the idea that just being a democrat will spare you from this. let's not forget where this goes is, you know, it's democrats now, but when you throw lawless -- the law to the wind, what you wind up is when somebody else comes in power, then they will persecute the other political enemies. it becomes a vicious cycle. that's the whole point of america. the whole point of the constitution is to protect everybody no matter what. the one thing i love about donald trump because he -- it's like they never learned a single lesson from him. they ban him from doing business in new york. so what does he do? he goes online with his gold shoes. i expect to see you wearing a pair of gold high tops -- >> greg: i'm getting knee pads. >> unsubscribe. i don't want to know anything
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about that. >> can you do that? >> greg: he goes online. that's what he comes up with. the left will make fun of him and laugh at him about this. remember what andrew brightbart? they hate donald trump because he's not upsteam from culture. he is culture. they hate him for it and they won't quit until they destroy him or he destroys them. >> greg: i fear the destruction is going to -- the target amplifies to include his supporters and anybody that might disagree. heather, you think new york will financially suffer the way kevin o'leary is talking about? >> 100%. it already is. there was a mass exodus during covid. the jobs have not come back to prepandemic levels in 2019. kevin o'leary makes a great point. he says what crime -- he doesn't owe anybody any money. the banks were on trial saying that they want his business.
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they like his business. until an asset is sold, this is the way things are done in life. you don't have to be a real estate developer to know if you want an extension maybe to a line of credit, you have to state your assets. you'll probably include tips, bonuses, every dime you can find. no matter what type of loan you're asking for, you don't have to be in real estate to know that you'll take, for example, the value of your house for home equity lone. appraiser that gives you the highest value, that's the one you're going to go with. i want to know, if he does pay this money, who gets it? the banks don't need it. the banks tonight want it. >> greg: who gets it? the government? >> i guess the manhattan attorneys. >> greg: what's, who gets paid? i don't get it. seems like democrats are targeting successful republicans. so i think you're safe. >> bang.
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gutfeld for the win. >> did you know the judge was a cab driver like you? >> two things. you blew it. i was going to get you a pair of trump shoes but they don't come in kid sizes. >> boom. >> you know, i love you, man. i made this point the other day. i filled in for some jackass on "the five." >> yes. >> thanks for keeping up with the group. this is the financial equivalent of charging someone for murder, but there's no dead person. that's what they're doing here. if nobody that is a lender or a bank says they were an a grieved class, he's going to the chair for murder but didn't do anything. that makes sense to them. they hate trump. a lot of people out there that hate trump so they don't have to look inward at the things that they hate about themselves. if you grow up in new york, trump was a part of new york. he add a show on nbc for years. he was trump. i think two pieces of advice. one, he can get out of this mess
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in 10 seconds if he starts to sell pictures of melania's feet on only fans. the only person i'll give credence to is kathy hochul. i don't agree with her. if you need a pinch and you need to lose a boner immediately, she's undefeated. if i can go into an important meter or parent teacher conferences and you have a woody, bust out the hochul, smooth sailing. >> greg: i didn't see that coming, so to speak. >> think about it. that is her claim to fame. she's the one chick cuomo didn't try to bang. that's it. [laughter] >> greg: kat, you know, this whole idea of like it's unfair to amplify your value, we wouldn't not have -- we wouldn't be making any money. in contract negotiations, i always ask for a pony. i don't get the pony, but it
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drives him nuts. doesn't that make sense? you always -- >> you know what make sense? he's a foot guy. [laughter] >> greg: yeah. yeah. >> a lot makes sense now. you know, i -- what i don't understand and all the discussion about this is the whole no one is above the law. no one is above the law. but then also isn't this an unprecedented way of doing things? doesn't that mean that before this actually everyone was above this law? i don't understand how simple things like that aren't noticed by people because trump is into it. i agree with everything kevin o'leary said. we shouldn't be making it harder to have a business in new york city. there's certain blockses where there's no business on the entire street. it's not like someone wants to be the first to move in. it's so expensive. there's so many regulations. no you have to worry about this? i don't know why anybody would have a business here at this point. >> greg: trump is below the law.
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he's not above the law. now we're all below the law. huh? you like that, don't you? your silence tells me that up next, how a financial writer lost a pile of cash in a flash. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv —
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[applause] >> greg: has she any credibility left after claiming she's a victim of theft? financial advice columnist remembers that. charlotte cowls recently admitted that she fell victim to a scammer that stole $50,000.
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true, she's makes a living giving money people advice and she got conned out of $50,000. that's like finding out that dana perino runs a dog-fighting ring. so how did it happen? this is hilarious. a woman claimed to be from amazon customer service, called charlotte telling her she was the victim of identity theft. right off of the bat, amazon never calls anyone unless their driver needs a bottle to pee in. the amazon chick connected charlotte to an ftc investigator, also a fake. they told her scammers opened bank accounts and committed crimes in her name. then he connected her with a cia agent, also a fraud. i'm surprised she didn't get a call from elvis and big foot. the fake cia dude said she
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needed to freeze her as sets. show came up with a number of $50,000 that oddly they agreed to. charlotte went to the bank and with drew $50,000, which i'm surprised she had after paying for that lobotomy. oddly the bank gave her that cash without a fuss. the fake cia agent said she would need to give it to an undercover agent and they would reimburse her later. so she had to take money out of her account to put other money back in? i thought fox was gullible when they hired me. later that night, she parentsly met the fake agent in a car outside of her house, put a shoe box filled with money in the back seat and the car drove off. i'd say the driver was laughing all the way to the bank. but she was probably going to cancun with fani willis. boom! the fake cia agent texted her a picture of a check that he said
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would be hand delivered to her the next morning. i guess it didn't bother her the check was made out to blaineless [bleep]. needless to say, charlotte claims she was scammed. so either a, she's the worst financial columnist ever for falling for this or b, she's the worst financial columnist ever for making this crap up. because it sounds like an incredible story where you got to suspend belief to make sense of it all. it makes you wonder, why would she write about it if it's true because it only blows up her career. why would she make it up? was it a gambling debt before the super bowl? did she put all of her money on the yankees? all i know is the media is even more gullible on dishonest than we ever give them credit for. i'll stick to getting my financial advice the old fashioned way, from tom selleck. [laughter]
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i hear he's got an enticing offer involving a reverse mortgage. all right. heather -- >> tom selleck. >> greg: you're a financial analyst. you above all know that financial advice columnists are full of [bleep]. >> i did not say that. not all. clearly she's not susie orman-jim cramer -- >> jim cramer? >> he's not -- >> greg: is this real? >> i don't think so. reminds me of fani willis like where did you get the money. my daddy gave it to me. i took it from the campaign funds. publix rebates. most banks impose daily limits. if i try to take out over $600 from the bank, it's not either i don't have it, they'll ask what
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is the money for, my husband calls and says what are you doing, where are you going? so really -- she didn't say which bank, which branch. it's very hard to believe. >> greg: there's so many holes in the story. kat, the most basic question i ask, would sophisticated scrammers that did their research target somebody that writes about financial scams? or an elderly grandmother? oh, let's do the person that just wrote a piece on financial scams? we're going scam her. >> i would never ever fall for a scam like this. >> greg: no. >> you couldn't scam me like this. first you'd have to get me to love you and then scam me. [laughter] >> it's not a joke. i also just like the excuse for not telling her husband that he would be implicated, too. you think like -- did you -- do you you and your husband not
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talk? if this was going on, cam would be aware of it immediately. also, he -- i would want him to go down with me. you know, if i was like going -- i wasn't going to go to prison by myself. and then have him out there like dating other people while i'm locked up. that would make me call him faster. >> greg: you think it's real? >> something happened. but i don't -- like feels like she had to -- let's say it is real. let's say it's real. she must be concerned with how crazy it sounds. so you might want to put in more details. -like what bank, what did this happen. she's got every detail in the world about the kids trick-or-treating. it was halloween. thank you for the nice color, the crisp air. i want to know what is your bank so i never go there. >> greg: yes. and there's this like all of these other weird details that she left in. but there was no documentation in the article.
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>> she glossed over like yeah, and it sucks i lost the money. what do you mean? how are you not more emotional about that? how are you still married? you're like you know, win some, lose some. no. >> greg: in another article she said you don't pay taxes on stolen money. all right. you are an expert at gambling debt. >> for real. >> greg: i'm going to ask you. you're a street smart person. do you buy this story? >> no. not even kind of not a little bit. i've also been scammed. i told my wife a month ago, someone spent money at a reno strip club on my birthday off of my amex card. i don't know who the crooks were but they better be brought to justice soon. and then they bought gold spike shoes. i don't know what happened. the part about this story that jumped out at me is how they poured bleach on her said and said it was maga country at 2:00 a.m. it's obviously a jussie smalllet
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story. there's a faction of liberal ideology that sees victim hood as cool. there's two things. being a victim is now being considered cool. like justsy smollett faked his story. you're trying to get clicks on your pieces. you might get more interest if you say hey, this happened to me, too. that's what happened if we're going to be serious. >> greg: it's so weird. i'm topping short of calling this fake. >> it's fake. it's fake. your fani willis joke brings it full circle. there's so much of that going on. but to be clear, fani willis didn't want all the money. she wanted the tip. >> charlie, you're a journalist.
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if you're the editor, what would you have done? >> the disservice the editors did by not forcing her to include more details, if it's true, is the worst crime. i choose to believe it's true partly because it's really depressing if it's not. it's a psycho woman who has a head problem and needs help. journalists don't make stuff up. >> have you watched cnn? >> i'm not saying they don't make things up. like they don't fantasize -- somebody told them this. somebody told them there was a pee tape in a moscow hotel room. oh, really? they run with it. there has to be some beginning to it. but you know, all of the didn't levels where she was so gullible. like the point where -- the whole time she's googling. she googles the number of the ftc and then gets the ftc to
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call her back. she doesn't call them. she gets -- she checks her caller i.d. it's so stupid. at one point, here's this babe in the woods wandering around and referring to an npr story. a guide post how to make it in this mean world. it's so hysterical. i'd like to believe it's true. >> greg: you can continue. i will hold -- i feel like we're going to hear more about this in the next coupling weeks when -- because it's on the -- it's the editor's responsibility to provide some kind of evidence behind this. if they don't, then we know the answer. up next, a presidential poll that will make your eyes roll. [applause] ed depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant
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shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation, or have a nervous system problem. keytruda is an immunotherapy and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials, exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at, and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. >> greg: thank you. the economy is tanking, yet
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biden is high in their ranking and they couldn't resist giving trump tent of the list. a group of experts have ranked the u.s. presidents and it's just in time for president's day or as joe calls it, martin larry king day. the presidential greatness project touts itself as the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential projects, including scholars that produced research in academic presses. in other words, a bunch of virgins, darks and geeks. the top five was lincoln, fdr, washington, roosevelt and jefferson. they gave an honorary mention to harrison ford. the bottom five, trump. the upside, there's one person missing from both lists. how did that happen? ♪
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all right. jimmy, william henry harrison died in office after a month. how can he be ahead of four other guys? >> listen, i think the whole list is a school. it's nice to see somebody talking to dead presidents besides biden. what shocked me, f.d.r. he put japanese people in in interment camps. you would think that would age so well. >> greg: charlie, how can you rank recent presidents when you don't know their effects yet? >> it's so bogus on so many levels. they took away joe biden's only achievement. job's only achievement is that he managed to be a worst president than jimmy carter? made him look less bad even
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before jimmy carter has died. and yet they ranked -- they ranked joe biden at 14 and jimmy carter at 22. so they took that away. they took joe biden's one accomplishment away from him. >> greg: so unfair. kat, how do you feel about these rankings? >> it's dumb, a stupid thing to waste your time on. the fact that people got paid to do this makes me upset. >> greg: why? >> everybody has a different opinion about their role of government. if there's a group of people that agreed on this, the group was not idealogically diverse itself enough. >> greg: who would have been your choice? >> grover cleveland. >> greg: why? >> because he was cool. he was the smaller government-type guy. >> greg: interesting. his name was grover, which is a very sexy name, heather. what do you think of the list? >> i think kat makes a good point. not that it's stupid but we need
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to know who are the survey respondents. if you take a group of liberal progressives, gentlemen, trump will be ranked last. there's no surprise there. msnbc morning joe, they went over this list no surprise because they want to highlight he's ranked last. the show said that joe biden's successor, where he should rank on this list should be determined whether or not he can beat trump. if trump is elected, he should be ranked last. if he prevents trump from re-election, then biden should be ranked higher than washington, lincoln and reagan. >> greg: so trump dearrangements drives the list. we asked joe biden what he thought about the rankings. >> trust the experts. and what was that? number 14? that's not bad. tell you the truth, i should have been higher.
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think about it. who was dead last? orangeman. who got rid of orangeman? uncle joe. i should have been number 1. who did they have number 1? lincoln? typical. four score, several years ago. talk regular. no malarkey. come on, man, no joke, all that stuff. what else did lincoln do? start a civil war? i can do that. what do i get? nine months? just watch me. not a joke. >> greg: coming up, why they dumped a truck full of crap in pelosi's lap. oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh!
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7:40 pm
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austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪ >> a story in five words. >> greg: poop on nancy pelosi's porch. kat, you wanted this story so
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badly. pro-palestinian protesters, ppp, dumped 300 pounds of cow manure outside of nancy pelosi's house the call for the end of u.s. arms to being sent to israel. will this [bleep] work? you people. >> i don't think this will move the needle at all. i'm impressed with the organization that it must have taken to go get that much [bleep] there. i'm sure there's security and -- where do you get about getting that? do you have to get it yourself or do you have to order it? the logistics. >> greg: that's why we had heather on from the business standpoint. will we be seeing a rise in the economics of cow manure as a protest vehicle? >> no one would know a difference. it is -- this is a perfect experiment of how to turn a successful city, once the highest real estate prices in
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the country into a drug inferrarised rampless homelessness filled with poop. i won't use the same language you used from the ppp. >> greg: you're a good person. >> i don't think anybody will notice a difference. did you hear charles barkley, the nba all-star saying we love san francisco. no, we don't. you can't even walk around. yes, you can. you have to wear a bulletproof vest. >> greg: there's got to be a climate change cost to this manure with all the methane. we have protesters at crossroads. is that the word? >> i'm here for all of your manure answers. so the first thing is, it's amazing that leftists did this to nancy pelosi. because in france, it's always like farmers. it's people on the the right that know their manure that dump it. the second thing is that is available pile of manure there. gardeners pay for a 50-pound bag
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of that stuff pay a lot of money. that's not cow manure. that's horse manure. it's green. it's too green to be cow manure and it has wood shavings in it if you look at the pictures. came out of an animal in a stall. >> how do you know this? >> if you look at the pictures, you can see the wood shavings. so they don't even know their own -- >> greg: what the a horse identifies as a cow? >> that might be the answer. >> greg: it's frisco. >> good thing you have your knee pads. >> greg: jimmy, when the police got there and saw the 300 pounds of cow manure, they initially mistook it for your show. you see my shyness? >> the joke would have worked better if you had as good a delivery as they did. >> greg: i deserve it.
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>> let the record show that charlie hurt snows his [bleep]. oh, my god. >> that was impressive. >> greg: he knew the difference between cow and horse manure. >> there was something going on there. >> a lifetime of shovelling. >> don't buy a use laptop from charlie. first of all, two things. i give them people credit for going that close to nancy pelosi's driveway given how many dui's paul pelosi has gotten over the years. you made a good point that is funny about this. the people that are pro hamas are the climate change people. they are absolutely violating the climate ethos by bringing this much cow manure in to one place. i like the idea this is a horse that became a cow. in fran, mr. ed is now mrs. ed. that is funny. >> greg: yeah. but i do like the idea of delivery -- san francisco is
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filled with poop. so now she gets to see first hand of what her policies have caused even if it came from another direction. >> i wouldn't be surprised if she moves out. 100%. >> greg: she has a million homes. >> she did looks surprised by this but that's just the botox. >> greg: all righty then. that was interesting. up next, animals with four paws draw loud applause. when i first learned about my dupuytren's contracture, my physician referred me to a hand specialist. and i'm glad he did, because when i took the tabletop test, i couldn't lay my hand
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flat anymore. the first hand specialist i saw only offered surgery. so, i went to a second hand specialist who also offered nonsurgical options — which felt more right for me. so, what i'd say to other people with dupuytren's contracture is this: don't wait — find a hand specialist trained in nonsurgical options, today. i found mine at ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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7:50 pm
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♪ ♪ >> greg: time for greg's animal
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friends. charlie, why don't you go first? >> this is a very gruesome video. hide the kids. as if we needed any more reason to hate seagulls. >> what will happen? >> this seagull is trying to eat this beautiful little baby squirrel. and he runs into a window and falls down. i'm pro mammal. >> where is the gruesome part? >> it's not really. i was just trying to make the video. >> greg: so we made the kids leave for no reason. >> they can come back in. >> bring the kids back in. apologize to the kids. >> i want everybody to hate seagulls -- >> people like them. >> i'm taking a firm stand on it. i'm against murder. i'm against hitler and seagulls. firmly. >> a good name for a metal band, seagull hitler.
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heather, what do you got? >> fani willis' kat going after cash. roll tape. you'll understand why. that's what it remind me of. i feel like that quite often. like you stick your head in first, you know, maybe the head gets stuck. it's all right. the body follows. you just pray everything works out. >> is there fish in there? >> there we go. and upon further investigation, that is actually fani's cat with her fanny in the air. >> greg: is that really fani are you just joke something. >> it's not. >> greg: you're trying to make an analogy to the news and i admire you for that. don't do that anymore. jimmy, what do you got? >> a defensive heather. it's impossible for anybody trying to get money if
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they're -- i got you! you wanted to say it. you're just scared. i get it. you should be. you're a decent person. me and greg are going to hell. right to hell. my video is that of a fainting goat. fainting goats are my favorite thing in the world. he gets scared off of the porch. just falls down. fainting goats are adorable. we used to watch these on you youtube. i watched so many goat videos, i feel like a match maker for hamas. >> greg: that's true. they don't need roofies. >> greg: they're old school. they're the original farmer needs a wife. anyway. >> greg: all right, kat, round us out with a lovely pet video. i'm so excited.
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what it is? >> it's a cat. can we watch it in the kitty thinks that they can get on the fan. she's trying. she's so little. i feel like cats are -- she thinks she can do it. she thinks she can do it. can't do it. she won't give up even though she's not even close. look at that. because also in the cat had any hope that would be a horrible thing to do. >> greg: you should be grateful the can't make to it that sharp ceiling fan. would be sliced into little cat sandwiches. >> they're so playful when they get young. >> greg: then they get older. remote and angry and recentful. much like humans. all right. that ended in kind of a weird way. >> we killed a cat. >> greg: i know. don't go away. we'll be right back. [applause]
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or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ >> greg: jimmy, do you have something you would like to plug? >> oh, hot damn. the everybody calm down store starts march 1st in idaho falls, here's a full list of the dates this summer. why gutfeld? the world's on fire so i'm going to roast marshmallows tell dirty jokes, we rock through to biloxi mississippi in july and it will be a hot one. fox across, get tickets, come hang out >> greg: all right, bring some manure. charlie hurt, jimmy fail yay, kat timpf, our studio audience. fox news at night with dreamy trace gallagher is next. i'm greg gutfeld, i love you america. >> trace: good evening i'm trace gallagher, it's 11:00 p.m. on the east coast 8:00 here in los angeles and this is america's late news, fox news at night


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